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Scripts inteligentes Flujos de trabajo Reglas de automatización Disparadores Bots de chat Productividad

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BotSL IA Gratis

Integración del bot asistente de chatgpt. ¡Toma el control de GPT! Deja de gastar de más en respuestas de bots. Responde a texto , audio e imagenes. También interactúa con tu CRM con tus propias automatizaciones

Edward. CRM assistant Gratis

Trabaje de manera más efectiva y aumente sus ganancias con Edward, el primer asistente de CRM para Bitrix24.

Smart Finance scripts Gratis

SMART FINANCE scripts allow recording and saving income and expenses in Bitrix24 deals . You can also calculate the balance and expenses spent on the deal. In addition, it shows the deal's MARGIN.

Submit Workflow Request In Mobile App ( by First Mind Software ) Mobile Gratis

The application allows you to submit designed workflows in mobile application

PowerBot Gratis

PowerBot, developed by Br24, transforms the creation and management of chatbots on Bitrix24. No codes! Eliminates complexity, increases operational efficiency, empowers teams and delivers a higher quality, more immersive and flexible experience with its intuitive and powerful AI.

EasyChannel Gratis

An OMNICHANNEL tool to service your customers in whatever channel they are, in addition to providing advanced management of all contacts made.

[Mstar Corp] Zalo OA Gratis

Integrate your Zalo OA into Bitrix Open Channel and Zalo ZNS

Rules Mobile Gratis

Flexible Configuration of Rules in CRM

+55 Phone Number Update Gratis

Corrects the telephone numbers in contacts created or updated in your CRM to the Brazilian standard with DDI 55.

(36) WhatsApp para Bitrix24 Recommended Gratis

La aplicación integra la API de WhatsApp Business a tu Bitrix24

ChatApp for WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber Mobile Recommended Gratis

The leading no-code chatbot builder. Grow your subscriber list, create bots and broadcast messages on WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber, Instagram, Facebook, Email, SMS and Messenger.

PowerZap WhatsApp API for Bitrix24 Recommended Mobile Gratis

Turn your WhatsApp into a sales machine with the new PowerZap WhatsApp API for Bitrix24. Much more quality, stability, security and with better support. Start now!

Chat Booster Gratis

Provide high-quality and personalized conversation flows to speed up customers resolutions and scale every part of your business.

El generador de documentos Gratis

El generador de documentos genera archivos con la extensión .docx basados ​​en una plantilla creada por el usuario, sustituyendo datos de CRM en los campos.

NexIA Bot Gratis

Nexia Bot, un chatbot de vanguardia, integra Bitrix24 y ChatGPT para proporcionar respuestas precisas y personalizadas a tus clientes. Transfiere a los clientes a asesores humanos para las compras, opera 24/7 en todos los canales de chat de Bitrix24 y mejora las ventas y la eficiencia.

Companies House Integration Gratis

This bot allows you to easily search UK Companies House.

Workflow performance Gratis

Analyze workflow performance in your company.

Absence Gratis

The application to log and approve employees' absence requests

Workflow statistics Gratis

Analyze your workflow statistics

Supervisor Panel Gratis

Aplicación de gestión de call center

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